thanks. your suggestion will allow me to export “the full picture” or “some roughly precise crop” with the long side having the exact length set in the export dialogue. it will however not allow me to select a precise smaller area of the picture i want to crop to, because of the 2 problems initially mentioned.
the first one being that by dragging the frame, if the picture is not displayed at 100%, i will only get the choice of 1503 or 1498. i don’t want to have the cropping frame at 1503 and then resize during export to 1500. what i want is the cropping frame at exactly 1500.
furtmermore the export will not fix the unprecise calculation of the aspect ratio. if the frame has a size of 1503x1001 despite having set an aspect ratio of exactly 3:2 then the resizing during export will give me a final result of 1500x999. that’s not what i want.
my request is very simple: exact number of pixels for the cropping frame.
hopefully i can add some screen shots tonight so you will understand where the problem is.