It would be nice to be able to apply my copyright details and terms into multiple files without having to e type them into a file then copy and paste them. Lightroom does this on import. It would be nice to be able to set this up in a preset to be applied automatically to all files that are customised. For the moment I have to continue to import into lightroom to set this on every file imported. It would be nice not to have to do this if possible.
Looks similar to this older feature request, which has been accumulating votes:
FWIW, I set the copyright and author metadata in-camera, so it’s automatically imported.
I don’t understand why it had not been reported from the first beta tests ?
It seems so obvious to me, this should have been implemented since the availability of this function.
I have reference images where I copy the IPTCs and copies in the files to be processed.
I assigned the F7 and F8 keys to copy/paste the IPTC more simply.
Thanks for the tip but I can’t find out how to do this from the PL user guide. Is this something you can do within PL or is it a windows thing (I am on a mac)?
You have shortcuts to copy/paste metadata and correction settings.
With external software ( Clavier+ ), I affected the F7 and F8 touch for this.
I have reference images with correction settings, keyword and IPTC and with these 2 keys I copy/paste all of this at the same time.
Ah ok - but there is no way of editing the shortcuts within PL? I guess you just delete all metadata from your reference image except for the stuff you want to send over and paste that? Any reason that you don’t use the existing shortcuts for that (other than convenience)?
No, no way to modify shortcuts in PL.
No I do not modify my reference images, I copy/glue my data (presets, keyword and IPTC) on from the one I need.
I use my F7 and F8 keys instead of PL shortcuts since I assigned several PL shortcuts on a single touch.
For example on F7 I copy the correction rules (CTRL + Shift + C) and my metadata (Alt + Shift + C).
Thanks for your help Franky
Maybe I didn’t get your issue, but I would do the following:
• select Image A (which has the metadata I need to copy)
• right-click on the image and select “Copy Metadata” (keyboard shortcut also available)
• select all the images I want to paste the metadata to
• right-click on on random image in the selection and choose “Paste Metadata/Paste Selected Metadata” (keyboard shortcut also available)
• from the window with all metadata that pops up, just choose the fields you want to paste to your selection
• click “Paste”
Is this something which might help you??
As I said, I’m not sure if I got your needs right.
If you do it like @Egregius your statements are written in the raw file. If you add it in PL it’s written in a sidecar file and only added to the image file at export.
Yes @Ian78 - this is what I am already having to do but it’s laborious. For now I am going to continue to use Lightroom as a catalog because it does all of this for me automatically on import - everything else will then be done in PL (RAW edits printing etc.)
I do have it in camera too but the information is not as extensive. But I get what you mean. Thank you.
Check out “Photo Mechanic”. It will import ALL your data along with your photos, and you can decide which images you do or do not want on your computer (in my case, several versions of Mac computers.
I’ve been using PhotoMechanic for decades - it makes everything easier for me, and if you wish, it can add more data to the file names, and folder names, where the images are saved.
There is probably a YouTube video that explains all this, and shows you how it works.
When you close PhotoMechanic, your photos are right where you want them, in your PhotoLab “Photo Library”.
I don’t want another program having just bought into the DXO family of products - I want less. Besides Lightroom already does all of what you are describing.
Either Lightroom or Photolab are ideal when it comes to metadata maintenance. They are both general monolithic softwares that tries to be a one stop shop for most of our needs concerning postprocessing and image library needs. General solutions might be attractive because they happen to be there “for free” but they are often very inferior to specialized software like PhotoMechanic when it comes to productivity.
Another not so well-known fact is how well PM really integrates especially with Photolab and the reason for that is that unlike both Lightroom and Capture One, Photolab works straight on the files in the folders. Both LR and CO uses a special import-process that causes some problems when integrating with PM. I think PL is superior to both CO and LR in that respect. Together with PM Plus Photolab can scale in a way Lightroom and Capture One not really can of just that reason a mentioned above. As I use them together they work pretty seamless after I have activated “Synchronization” in Photolab. After that every change made in Photo Mechanic is instantly propagated to Photolab is you have them opened simultaneously.
If you try maintaining all metadata through PhotoMechanic be sure to let PM own the metadata and never update any metadata via Photolab. It is just a waste of time.
Often people complain of having buying an extra software but buying PM have been one of my best investments I have done so far. I think I paid 200 U$ 2020 when it was released as a perpetual licence and if I divide that in 3,5 years, I get a yearly cost of 57U$ that will continue to drop as long as I use it. Everone considering buying PM might do it soon because they have flagged they will cease to sell perpetual licences when they start with their subscription offers.
PM is not for everyone but if you are doing a lot of metadata work it really saves a lot of time compared to if you try to do that same job in Photolab. Life is short and definitely to short i think wrestling Lightroom or Photolab with metadata maintenance. A trial is free for 30 days.
Thank you - will take a look
Unlike Photolab you need to make some configurations of forms etc and set the application you want to use as your picture editor and so first. Photolab is highly customizable.
If you do that properly it is just to select pictures you want to edit in PM and select Etid with Photolab and it will open that selection in Photolab.
If you want to open the same selection later it is easy to do so since Photolab remembers all “External selections” you have done before. You can also with a little efforts make a project of these pictures if you like. I haven´t seem anything like “External Selections” in either Lightroom or Capture One. Sometimes it is very handy.
This function and integration can also speed up your work considerably if you have folders with many pictures in. Then it can be useful to open smaller sets of images than the whole folder at once that is the default otherwise in Photolab.
Ok but it doesn’t really sound like it’s much different to doing what I am doing now - using two programs instead of one. Lightroom seems to do all of this adequately and I don’t need to buy another program. Also with adobe I have PS as well just in case I need it. If PPL just did a few more things like the original thing I posted I wouldn’t need to use LR at all. I wouldn’t get rid of adobe because I would probably still want PS.
I also use LIghtroom to catalogue, add metadata (including keywords etc), and choose images that I want to develop, then move to PhotoLab for final work. It works dandy for me, and if it works dandy for you, then I’d stick with it until PL adds the feature you (we) desire.
Absolutely! and Photomechanic is bloody expensive for what it is!