Change Splash Screen Image

Not forgetting that, as soon as DxO issue an update, all your work could be lost.


Thanks Paul for your sharing your knowledge. I feel the same way, I don’t feel it’s worth risking messing the programme up just to avoid the picture! If it was as easy as it seems to be for the Mac users I’d certainly have a go but it seems some way outside my knowledge of Windows.

New version, new splash and about screens…


It has been even more annoying to watch DxO initialize with version 7.
I am really tired of being confronted with a multicolored naked man blowing hot air. It has nothing to do with art in my opinion - it looks like woke-propaganda put out to educate me to be liberal. Well - I am not, and don’t want to be.
Does anybody from the DxO Lab itself know how to help their customers with alternative images? The ones forced upon us have not been that popular in general.


I hardly regard showing some one exhaling either tobacco or vape smoke as woke. Indeed the reverse its helping to glamorise either unhealthy activities.

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@Eigil_Skovgaard Oh my god. Are you serious? You think that DxO is trying to make you “liberal” with that image?! That’s FUNNY.

Do you think that “liberal” Hollywood is trying to turn you gay when you see a homosexual couple in a film? Jeez man. Be confident in who you are. DxO using a shirtless guy blowing smoke to make an interesting image is not propaganda aimed to make you a different person! Get a grip.



It was clearly OK when it was females but not a man.


Some people these days seem to feel that anything that they don’t like is intended as a political statement intent on forcing some ideology on them. That is very sad. There is a phrase attributed to Sigmund Freud indicating that, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”. We don’t always have to look for hidden meanings in everything. Those that do are often paranoid, angry, and scared.

If you had simply asked how to change the photo, I would have been more than happy to tell you. But since you politicized, with possible racial overtones, what would have been an otherwise reasonable request, you will have to get help for your query elsewhere.







The Blue Era




So, the last three images have been blue-based and the last two have also been studio “glamour” shots.

I personally don’t like the blue theme and I definitely don’t like “glamour” shots of either sex, which reinforce stereotypes.

But, since I do not yet rule the world :wink: I would have been fine with having a third non-blue image. But I really don’t think an image that glamourises smoking either tobacco or vape is appropriate in this day and age, where governments are actively trying to eliminate smoking and underage vaping.


I am as right wing and anti-woke as I could be (and probably even more), and that image doesn’t trouble me at all.

(though I definitely prefer a Partagas cigar to vaping)

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It doesn’t look at all like smoke/vapour to me. There are flecks of blue — a few above, many below — that suggest it is some kind of powder. Even if it were a vapour, it could simply have been filmed in a very cold room and it could be breath.

The only thing it is glamourising is studio photography.


I only hope that images were created 100% with DxO tools and w/o any /Adobe/ photoshop :laughing:


Thank you for a relevant answer, Joanna.
I am not anti smoke. Like a good cigar from Havanna.
And I don’t think this ‘hot air’ was exhaled by the model. The aerodynamics don’t fit. It’s a patchwork.
That said - I would like it to disappear and leave room for one of my own images.
Unfortunately - in this case - I am working in Windows.
PS: I asked DxO to offer a solution - and they refuse up front. Not really a surprise.

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You could always ask the photographer himself about the photo and arrangements.


It seems politically very subversive :melting_face: :clown_face: :melting_face:
Nice results.

Totally right: not a surprise !
It’s part of the software we buy.
BUT as an option, we could ask a setting to « do not show splash screen on startup » and I would vote for it.

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I’ve not tried hacking the splash screen image yet but on my Windows machines, the splash screen image appears to be called:
and on my English language PL5 installation it can be found in:
C:\Program Files\DxO\DxO PhotoLab 5\DxOHub\en_files
Does that help you?

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And I would second that emotion :blush:

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I would not want to inhale that dust.

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