Canon RF 24-240

You can raise a support issue but, for now, I’ll ping @sgospodarenko to see if she can do anything.

In the meantime, do you want to share one of these files here so we can play?

Thank you. I just tried to upload the RAW file but I cannot because the site won’t allow me to upload a CR3. Unless there’s another easy way?

CR2 is allowed. Maybe it is too large? Try zipping it?

Yes, that is the solution. DxO allows to show more of a picture after distortion correction than most other RAW editors. I bet that crop settings are different in this installation between PL3 and PL4, perhaps a difference in the default preset.

I put both in layers in Affinity and they are nearly identical but the crop:

So no defect, just DxO revealing that this lens is near its limits.

Also I agree that this is not the usual vignetting which can be corrected. It is the limit of the image that the lens projects onto the sensor.

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Thank you - here’s the zip of the CR3 file: (31.7 MB)

Yes, I agree with what you say. But really all I’m hoping for is that PL4 would adjust the image in the same way that PL3 does. Yes, I could manually crop each photo but that seems a bit of a step backward when clearly PL is capable of doing it.

OK, here’s how it goes.

Download file and open in PL4 - corners are cut off

Download the DxO module

Apply the four module specific adjustments that are necessary.

  1. Vignetting
  2. Lens Sharpness
  3. Chromatic Aberration
  4. Distortion


The missing piece of the jigsaw for PL4 is to use the “2 - DxO Optical Corrections only” preset.

This is new and maybe you are currently using the No Corrections preset to all new files?

News just in!!!

You need to make sure that the Distortion palette has the Keep aspect ratio checked. Something that is not done in the DxO’s Optical Corrections only preset, so I added it to my own custom preset, copied from DxO’s Optical Corrections and made that the default.

Here’s the preset I made

Optical Corrections only.preset (9,1 Ko)

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Thank you for the effort you are putting into this. And I must admit that I thought you had ‘got it’. However all my settings are as per your list. I do wonder if it’s just something specific to my camera/lens module or the way it is being installed in PL4.

To try and test this, I just removed the lens module, restarted PL4, went back to my image and then reinstalled the module - with the result that the ‘vignetting’ decreased quite a bit compared to when the module was not installed - but not as much as the image you posted. Again, I checked that all my settings as specified by you are the same.


Exactly. So, return it. I can however not see why PL4 has to crop this photo for you instead of you doing it yourself.

Are you sure that the “Keep aspect ratio” box is checked?

All you need to do is import my preset and apply it. Then you can make it the default for opening all RAW files.

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Thank you so much for your help. You are correct - it was the ‘keep aspect ratio’ box on the distortion tab that needs ticking.

Again, thank you for your comments, but I’m not going to return the lens. As I’ve said before, the way in which Canon achieve their results may offend you (as they do me) from a purist point of view, However, I accept that there have to be compromises in producing a lens with the large focal length range of 24-240 and at the same time keeping hat lens down to a reasonable weight (and price point).

I managed to break my back earlier on in the year and cannot (currently at least) walk around with a rucksack and half a dozen heavy lenses as I used to. My new camera and lens was purchased with the specific aim of having a single camera/lens that I can walk around with all day and still produce photos that are acceptable (at least to me).

Thank you everyone for your help.

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Yes, you have that right, MalcomC. The vignette is a well-known characteristic “feature” of this lens and it is supposed to be that way. Everyone who has reviewed it has pointed this out. As Dustin Abbot put it . . .

" . . .what I saw was clearly a mechanical vignette – an obstruction that kept the corners of the frame from receiving light at all [as Perfrode correctly pointed out]. This was one of the compromises that Canon had to make to make this lens work. […] The lens actually frames wider than the physical design allows for, and then, when corrected, it shows the proper look at 24mm. […] You can see just how much latitude that Canon is giving itself for digital correction. One just has to accept that this is part of the len’s design, in that it was clearly not possible for them to go all the way to 24mm without something having to give."

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Good morning,

So as I see @Joanna you solved the issue and my help is of no need anymore :ok_hand:

Thank you
Svetlana G.

Hi @sgospodarenko
Yes, Joanna has fixed the problem. All we need to do is to tick the ‘keep aspect ratio’ on the distortion tool.

Is there any reason why I should not update the ‘DXO optical corrections only’ preset to make ‘keep aspect ratio’ as its default setting?

Thank you for your input - the review made an interesting read.

Best wishes

The “system” presets are not editable. Just download the preset I supplied in an earlier post

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  • It’s up to your taste actually. But as @Joanna already pointed you can’t modify the default preset. You can create a copy of it and modify or take the one suggested above.

Svetlana G.

Which is an edited copy of the DxO one :nerd_face:

Thank you both for you replies. I hadn’t appreciated that you can’t edit the default presets. I’ve already installed the preset that Joanna posted and it works perfectly.

Thank you again for your time and expertise.


You do what you want. If you are happy, then all is well. :smile: Good luck with your back. I hope you get well! :crossed_fingers:

:+1: Some people can live with it, some not. I think that Canon however should be honest about this. It should say on the Canon pages and be informed about by the sellers. “At 24 mm on a full frame camera, some vignetting may be present that may be difficult to correct even in post processing”.

The lens is actually wider than 24mm and is designed to be used with software to get rid of the “vignetting”. As I’m sure you’re aware, software correction is widely used these days, especially with more budget lenses. I believe that even after it’s been cropped, the result is still wider than 24mm.