Bug tracking system needed


Many of the requests and messages posted in the Feature Requests sections are related to reported bugs.

There was a time when software publishers were so kind to offer a bug tracking system to which any user had access and could check whether or not reported bugs were taken into account, and if so, what progress had been made in correcting them.

This had the advantage of saving everyone time and unnecessary guesswork.

DxO have decided to process bug reports on an individual basis. This is the wrong choice. The same bug will be reported multiple times and this generates confusion and frustration.

Why not go for a win-win solution ?


where is the win if users can see no progress ?

I fear this does alow them at times to claim you are the only one having thr problem

not that nefarious but publicly available bug tracking system will lead to negative marketing for a commercial product because every Joe and Jane who paid their money or just with axe to grind will take their grievances to public and now they 'd have something to show that will in fact prove their point.

Great idea Pat. Now that they won’t talk to us anymore this would cut down repeated requests concerning the same bug, It won’t help easing tensions much if no progress has been made. I’d vote for this if it was votable.


The access could be limited to actual customers. Not a problem.

A balanced relationship between manufacturer and customer is essential for bug tracking. If there is a mismatch, even a bug tracking system cannot help, whereby the mismatch can have various causes. I can tell you from my professional life that bug tracking worked well for one product series and the successor product from the same company had a motivational break in the customer relationship. After a few months, bug tracking was switched off for all users. Only a select group of customers were allowed to use it.