Blurring, aliasing and juddering in all Nik Collection 7 apps

PC running Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2, i7-10700F, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Super with latest studio drivers.

I have just opened a file in Nik 7 Color Efex and at 1:1 magnification there is indeed slight lag when edits are applied. I do not normally edit my images at 100% magnification, and find for example, when Fill Zoom (38% magnification) is selected, that there is no lag when edits are applied.

Having just done a little testing, it seems that for me, a slight lag in applying edits, starts at around 75% magnification.

Do you experience the blurring, aliasing and juddering when Nik 7 is used at all magnifications?


Maybe DxO has added PhotoLab’s rendering to the Nik Collection, where all zoom levels below 75% only show an approximation and levels of ≥ 75% take some effort/time to render completely.

Have a look at the two videos I’ve posted in this thread. It’s not just lag I’m experiencing, and it’s happening at all levels of zoom.

Okay, so I downloaded the trial, installed it and tested Nik7 Color Efex
(on macOS 14.5 on 5K 8 core iMac 2019)

I can see the blurring while sliders move.
Doing the same thing in Nik6 only shows at zoom levels at > 100%

More Issues

  • Nik7 does not display all preset zoom levels <100%.
  • Even though Nik7 has lost Perspective, the sample folder is put in the user’s pictures folder.

Yeah. In other words, dxo can’t code software properly.

Shame they also can’t follow the law either.

Both writing software and the law aren’t exact sciences.

I always expect issues with dot zero releases and as long as DxO’s terms and conditions haven’t been tried and found unlawful, current terms and conditions must be accepted. We also confirm our acceptance during installation.

What can we do? Will you take DxO to court?

No, but I will raise a payment dispute with them and report them to trading standards for breaching consumer rights. And publicise this in as many places as I can to all the photographers I know.

Which is why it’s dumb to treat customers like this, as you’re only hurting yourself.

I assume that you are running the latest studio drivers for your GPU?

Apart from some slight lag when applying edits at 100%, I am running Nik Collection 7 on a PC with a less powerful GPU without issue. If your drivers are up to date, perhaps there is a problem with your GPU? On the face of it, your PC should run Nik 7 without issue.

I would raise another support ticket with DxO to try and get to the bottom of the issue. The ‘blurring, aliasing and juddering’ you are experiencing, is not acceptable in an expensive piece of software.

Yes, latest drivers. And as I say wasn’t happening in previous version (3).

Good to see someone else isn’t encountering this issue, and yea not acceptable at all in a photo editor which is why the response from support that this was intended behaviour was so infuriating!

Just to update:

I wrote again to support and informed them that I would be raising the matter with the UK International Consumer Centre and raising a dispute with my payment provider, and as a result of this I have now finally received a refund.

DxO have confirmed that this is intended behaviour to “improve overall performance” but acknowledged that this is not suitable for my purposes.

They have also reinstated my Nik Collection 3 licence as I requested.

So the right outcome in the end - but a bit painful getting there…

Hopefully they take this on board and look at improving this in a future version, but I am not holding my breath…

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previews aren’t there strong suit, as per

same “performance” reason I’ve been told for there noise preview thumbnail in PL being postage stamp sized, which is near useless, … I have to use my Macs zoom feature to fill the screen to see the thumbnail preview so its at a decent size… Let me have full size, or let me have all four different versions around region of selection tiled in a 2x2 layout filling my screen so I can see them all at once!!! Glad you got your money back! ; )

Intentional slowdown of UI responsiveness in favour of improved overall performance? Strangest of decisions. Oximoron or what?

It’s not slowdown - it’s very snappy! It’s lowering the image quality to (imo) an unacceptably low quality preview while it renders. I’m guessing that when they left it to render in real time it performed really sluggishly on some machines and they favoured responsiveness over quality (wrong choice imo, and they should concentrate on optimising the software to not have to make this decision)

or give the user the option…re: quality v speed