I will try the scanner first. It seems to me that if I get a light box, I can put the negative on it, and shoot with my camera with the macro lens I do have. For now though, I want to try it with the scanner.
I went through my negative collection - couldn’t find all of them. What I did have was half good, and half trash, now tossed out. I had some negatives that were piled on top of each other - no idea why I did that, but this goes back a lifetime ago. They seemed to be “melting”. Dumpster time for most.
If this works for 35mm, if I could ever find a view camera at an affordable price, that opens up still more possibilities, but I don’t want to do too many things at the same time. One at a time, no problem.
My M3 could probably benefit from a c&l (clean and lube) but the only thing that feels different from what I remember is the focusing is now “stiffer”. This is almost certainly from the 50mm collapsible Summicron lens, that probably hasn’t been used since the 1960’s. I’ve also got my Nikon SP, but the Leica was always the “better” camera.
Joanna, once upon a time I had a 4x5 Graflex! Not sure you know what it was. Like an SLR on steroids! I never should have sold it, but never thought I would want to use it again, and even today, if I still had it, I’m not sure I could deal with it - unless I had never sold my darkroom gear…
I’ve got lots of free time to work on this stuff. I just got my first Covid vaccination this morning, I go back for another in three weeks, and two weeks after that, while I still need to be careful, I can start going around with my cameras again like I used to. So for the next few weeks, I can get even more involved in PL4.
Joanna, I used to even have a “polaroid back” for large format cameras. Do you use one? The idea was I could take a polaroid of what I want to photograph, and only when I’m satisfied, I would put the real film back on the camera. A co-worker had the full outfit back then (1970’s) and had he been willing to sell it, I would have found a way to buy it. Oh well… (I did buy his full Nikon F4 outfit, but that’s another story…)
Speaking of black and white, I watch a long video last night of all the steps the fellow went through to create a “perfect image”, but I didn’t like the end result, and didn’t like the way he did things. When he finished, it looked like a photo taken with an iPhone and special effects. I was going to stop the video several times, but I wanted to see how he did things. I hope that if I buy this “film pack” I can do the editing completely in PL4. I will never “be” another Ansel Adams, but no reason I can’t try…