ok back to images:
Default image as in processed color. bit dull, not catchy. the light play is not key.
first atemped this was my initial choise. Polaroid 672
second by Silver efex the number 17, (full dynamic spectrum)
Ilford Pan 400:
Kodak t max 400:
And a other serie: same story color is dull, i wanted to capture the lightplay of the sun through the tree’s
Silver efex pro 17
default color
polaroid 672
Last serie: the path as pointer to infinity:
default image
processed for color reference (best detailed path and thus depth (3D)
Silver Efex 17 (like the fact you see that cloud as detail, cropped in for the path (dull section in front)
the Kodak Tmax 400 (detailing is better in frontsection)
max proccesed polariod 672, (tried to get that same cloud in the sky)
Fun experiment, learned to use the “Safe as” when using nik to avoid that bug “filename . tmp2.tif” Much more time consuming but you can:
- avoid the buggy filmstrip behaviour. (remember shotnumber and name it shotnumber_SEfilternumber)
- add some proccesing keywords in the name. (handy for when you want to know which you used)
- can control the placement of the tiff in the folder, (a separate nik-tif folder to keep your base processed tif from DXO.)