Better late than never, aka graphics card update at last

@mwsilvers I am glad that you were pleased and surprised at @stuck’s figures because I was concerned that figures I posted where higher than those shown by @stuck

My images, BHT and Golf Course, were RW2 or ORF of 20MegaPixels.

I then replaced the GTX 1050Ti with an RTX3070 (but that would have cost somewhat more than a second hand 1050Ti) and the i7 4790K with a Ryzen 5600G and got

The issue with the Nikon images is a problem with higher numbers of simultaneous execution which seems to make DxPL(Win) “stall” and I have created batches of the “Egypt” and “Nikon” performance testing images.

I am sorry that I don’t have to post an apology but your new performance is way better that before and as the 2000 series cards are superseded then some of those will come onto the second hand market at better prices!