Artificial Intelligence on PhotoLab: what do you expect for?

If AI can create more sophisticated file renaming options during image export, then I’m all for AI being added to Photolab :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That’s the interesting point: should the programmers come up with one or more solutions in advance, or do I specify my needs to an AI that interactively implements exactly my requirements.

What do you think about it?
#17 AI reflection removal tool

Is it a desirable AI tool for PhotoLab? Perhaps the end of polarising filters :wink:.

Ai can’t know what is under water or glass surface if not recorded by sensor.
Maybe you’ll can choose what underwater background you want ? :wink:

I guess maybe the most ambitious, vertiginous and most open-minded discussion about AI I have read so far, is Yuval Noah Harari’s “NEXUS” - A Brief History of Information Networks - from Stone Age to AI.

Among other titels he has also written “21 Lessons for the 21st Century”, which is also a relevant title when discussiong AI. Most people know him from the readings of “SAPIENS”

This is one of the planets for the moments brightest minds that we ought to listen to of the reason that he has such a deep knowledge in so many fields like History, Politics, Social Science, Religion, Technology and Medicine.

These books are very demanding but what a journey they offer us to join och what perspectives they open if we just take the time to read. For me it is not without thinking that he is the latest in a long line of Jewish “prophets” but in this case it is far beyond the narrow perspective of religion, because there is nothing religious about this. It’s just a grown-up, serious and incredibly fascinating discussion about the problems and opportunities we face now.

… and it is so refreshing to read a serious text like that which is written to increase our knowledge about our precence and what the future with AI might bring of problems and development options instead of this constant flow of our time of desinformation narratives and more or less well-hidden lies and/or political agendas.

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Harari is a hideous misanthrope, who cares not a whit for humanity. If he’s given any control, human kindness is not long for this world.

Oh no he is not - have you really read him seriously?. He is a really wise broad spectrum scientist with a rare open mind in these days ready to really turn all stones needed to understand why the real militarist misanthrops of the polarized world is doing their best to kill each other in the name of religions, economics and geopolitics or plain old Machiavellian division of powers philosophy. It is there you ought to look for the real misanthropes of the world these days.

Putting all that weight of a degenerated and detoriated world on the shoulders of Harari is to blame him far too much for a situation the joint leaders of the world are historically responsible for.

How far will your kindness take you? How far did it take Jesus? He ended up on a cross like a few other guys.

Harari is just the messenger - don´t make the common historical mistake to shoot the messenger or crusify him. Listen to what h says instead and if you don´t agree feel free to shape an antitheses (if you live in a country where you still are allowed to do so) - and if we are good enough in reading and understand what we read we will even get a wider perspective on AI than what is difficult to get from most other sources today.

The subject is very interesting. I didn’t read him, maybe I will just to know what he says.
Did you read Umberto Eco The Prague Cemetery? He describe how you’ve to work when you want to publish a false statement. Take care to write your own sources. Can be a dangerous part of AI too. In fact it already happens. Photos on the net are partly used out of its context to create another context. What will happen with written text in a way Umberto Eco describes?


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Harari was asked:

And then the big political and economic question of the 21st century will be what do we need humans for, or at least what do we need so many humans for?

Harari’s answer:

At present the best guess we have is keep them happy with drugs and computer games.

Not much constructive imagination there. The despair of egotistical atheism. It always ends in hedonist materialism. Ultimately, Harari is a nihilist thinker. The rest of us have a world and (other people’s) lives to improve.

AI in PhotoLab does not have to re-imagine my photos. There will be other software better suited for imaginary photos. PhotoLab’s role is to make the best possible image out of our RAW files. Therefore features like:

  • AI masking (including green screen)
  • AI generative fill (filling in the those black edges after an extreme horizon rotation)
  • smooth AI HDR merges
  • AI focus depth merges
  • AI skin improvement
  • AI enhanced resolution

are what I’d like to see. On the other hand:

  • Unicorns
  • Tidal waves
  • Facial reconstruction
  • Metamorphosis
  • Magic mountains

are areas better left to Midjourney and similar applications. One would take a PhotoLab finished image off to one of the AI image creation tool as a source. That’s the way I see it.

Anything PhotoLab can do to reduce rote work (what else is cutting out a mask), so much the better.