Hi Herve,
thank you for your file and added info.
By pulling up the overall brightness that far while taking down the sky, you showed the limits of Automask, which otherwise did a good job.
[ → VC3: I copied that mask and ‘improved’ the gradation manually at the very left side, but you still see some ‘remains’ → w/ your original settings. Also tried to use control lines for their adjustable selections. Otherwise I might do careful & time consuming repairs with a pixel editor … ]
With all respect to your efforts (!), I would keep it more believable – maybe a moody version.
VC3 → essai_detourage.ARW.dop (585,0 KB)
- lifted Gamma to enhance foreground’s visibility
- reduced overall exposure to +1,50
- reduced Automask to -1/3 EV
- used HSL to enhance colour contrast from morning light vs. sky
- finalized w/ a big soft vignette
I’d like to hear from you, Wolfgang