Add AI capabilities to DXO Photolab

there’s already a topic that brings together all the AI feature proposals.
Here is the latest list:

It seems that your “AI-outpainting, -inpainting, -background replacement, -sky replacement, -object deletion, addition and replacement” features could be likened to:

#3 AI auto-fill: “It would be very useful to widen the framing after viewpoint transformations. By recreating areas “outside the original image” using AI algorithms, it would be possible to fill in the empty parts of the frame with a “realistic” pattern, copied from the areas closest to the image (sky, vegetation, grass, rocks or concrete floor, etc.).”
#8 AI object detection and replacement: "You select an area of the image with one click, the AI precisely selects its boundaries and replaces it with the background.
#1 AI Mask: "Quickly select masks for certain parts of the image, with the help of the AI. For example: sharpness mask (automatic detection of areas of maximum sharpness with an opacity gradient depending on the transition between sharpness and blur); sky; faces and skin; vegetation, etc.

Feel free to vote, add to or comment on the proposals that interest you.

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