Whether or not I buy a copy of PL8 has nothing to do with the bugs reports, only with what new features may be included that I don’t yet have, and want.
I haven’t knowingly experienced any bugs with PhotoLab; for me, it just works.
I’m just being realistic - I’m not yet aware of any bugs that cause me problems.
My point was, the old lists are probably ancient history, once PL8 comes out, and we, the users, should create a brand new list of problems with PL8 if we expect someone at DxO to take it seriously.
Unless you want to write your comments in French, I suggest you keep the reports short and right to the point. Just add you can provide more information upon request.
If I spend the $$$ for PL8, I won’t be going back. Never had, but I’ve never had these issues (knowingly).
Unless PL8 adds something new and exciting that people in the forum feel is necessary, I may just stick with PL6 and save the $$$.
I’m not really trying to discuss all these things, only to suggest that we start up a new PL8 bug list for issues in PL8, regardless of whether they existed before in a previous release. If you all think that’s silly, so be it. I hope I don’t post anything else in this discussion. If I could click on a FORGET button, I would do so.
Everything has bugs in my opinion my cameras, my car, everything I own. Nothing is ever perfect, so every year a new model comes out. That’s been my life for as long as I can remember. But I just need something that is “good enough”, regardless of whether or not it is “perfect”.